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Although the functions and characteristics of soil seed banks in topsoil layers have been described for various ecosystems, the spatiotemporal pattern of the seed bank in deep soil and its ecological implications for vegetation restoration of active sand dune have not been fully explored. In 2007 and 2008, seed densities with regard to dune position, soil depth and season were investigated on an active and a stabilized sand dune of northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. Seeds in the 0–10 cm topsoil layer accounted for 60% of total soil seed bank on the stabilized sand dune, while more than 40% of seeds were stored in the 50–100 cm layers on the active sand dune. Seed density declined significantly with soil depth on the stabilized sand dune, but it was relatively constant across the 0–100 cm soil profile on the active sand dune. Seed density fluctuated with soil depth on the active sand dune suggesting that seeds were either relocated upward or downward over time. Seeds of annual non‐psammophytic species accounted for the majority of soil seed bank on the stabilized sand dune, while pioneer psammophytes contributed more to the soil seed bank of the active sand dune. Our data suggest that seeds in the deep soil layers of active sand dunes account for a large proportion of the whole soil seed bank. Because of the effect of wind erosion, seeds in deep soil could be gradually exposed to shallow soil layers and potentially contribute to population recruitment and vegetation restoration on active sand dunes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Vegetation plays an important role in soil erosion control, but few studies have been performed to quantify the effects of vegetation stems on hydraulics of overland flow. Laboratory flume experiments were conducted to investigate the potential effects of vegetation stems on Reynolds number, Froude number, flow velocity and hydraulic resistance of silt‐laden overland flow. Cylinders with diameter D of 2·0, 3·2 and 4·0 × 10−2 m were glued onto the flume bed to simulate the vegetation stems, and a bare slope was used as control. The flow discharge varied from 0·5 to 1·5 × 10−3 m3 s−1 and slope gradient was 9°. Results showed that Reynolds number on vegetated slope was significantly higher than that on bare slope because of the effect of vegetation stems on effective flow width. All the flows were supercritical flow, but Froude number decreased as D increased, implying a decrease in runoff ability to carry sediment. The mean flow velocity also decreased with D, while the velocity profile became steeper, and no significant differences were found in surface flow velocities among longitudinal sections on all slopes. Darcy–Weisbach friction coefficient increased with D, implying that the energy consumption of overland flow on hydraulic resistance increased. Reynolds number was not a unique predictor of hydraulic roughness on vegetated slopes. The total resistance on vegetated slopes was partitioned into grain resistance and vegetation resistance, and vegetation resistance accounted for almost 80% of the total resistance and was the dominant roughness element. Further studies are needed to extend and apply the insights obtained under controlled conditions to actual overland flow conditions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The role of anthropogenic activity is increasingly recognized as an agent of environmental change. Photographs, taken more than 130 years ago in KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa, show a very different landscape to that viewed today. In attempting to understand some of the dynamics behind the changes in the landscape, we explored the history of land‐use in communal rangelands in KwaZulu‐Natal from the arrival of Iron Age man through to modern practices. Communal farming is frequently cited as a major cause of environmental degradation. Traditional lifestyles have been eroded by social, political and economic changes since the arrival of European explorers and settlers in the early 1800s. This may have contributed to encroachment by woody plants into the open savannas and grasslands of KwaZulu‐Natal in recent times because of increased grazing pressure and, perhaps reduced fires. Furthermore, there is decreasing dependence on wood for everyday needs due to the increased availability of electricity. Interviews with a number of community members indicate that they have noted a change in climate and in vegetation structure. Their observations have been confirmed by climate data and historic photographs. Environmental planners need to view change in a holistic manner, taking cognisance not only of the physical changes but also of the history of land‐use and human needs and to give credence to community perceptions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
【目的】土壤微生物量碳、氮是植被所需碳、氮的重要“源”或“库”,是公认的综合评价土壤质量或肥力的重要指标,也是土壤生态系统变化的预警及敏感指标,研究其动态变化,可为退耕还林及后期管理决策提供科学依据,并为深入研究林地碳氮循环及温室气体排放提供参考。【方法】以农田( FL)为对照,研究华北土石山区10年生刺槐林、43年生刺槐林、自然恢复植被( NRV)土壤微生物量碳、氮的四季动态变化,并对各样地微生物量碳、氮对土壤营养库的贡献率进行对比研究。【结果】各样地微生物量碳、氮随土层加深而逐渐下降,其季节动态变化差异显著;农田、自然恢复植被、10和43年生刺槐林地0~20 cm 土层微生物量碳、氮含量四季均值分别为251.94,290.68,150.66,197.34 mg·kg -1和30.95,46.46,36.55,45.27 mg·kg -1。其中:自然恢复植被的微生物量碳、氮含量四季均值最高,其微生物量碳含量分别是农田、10和43年生刺槐林的1.15,1.93和1.47倍,微生物量氮含量分别是它们的1.50,1.27和1.03倍;土壤微生物量碳、氮含量随刺槐树龄增大而升高,43年生刺槐林0~20 cm 土层的微生物量碳、氮含量是10年生刺槐林的1.31和1.24倍。各植被样地不同层次土壤微生物量碳氮比季节差异明显,农田、自然恢复植被、10年和43年生刺槐林 0~20 cm 土层碳氮比四季均值分别为8.64,6.26,4.12 和4.36;10,43年生刺槐林碳氮比分别是农田的0.48和0.50倍,是自然恢复植被的0.66和0.70倍。在 0~20 cm 土层中,农田、自然恢复植被、10和43年生刺槐林地微生物量碳对土壤有机碳平均贡献率分别为1.88%,2.00%,1.54%和1.24%,土壤微生物量氮对土壤全氮的平均贡献率分别为1.21%,5.44%,3.55%和2.26%。【结论】各样地土壤微生物量碳、氮之间显著相关,它们与土壤全氮、有机质和速效钾含量均显著相关;除此之外,土壤微生物量碳还与土壤硝态氮含量显著相关。随着树龄的增加刺槐林土壤微生物量尤其是微生物量氮含量显著提高,因而土壤的生物肥力也显著提高;由土壤微生物量碳、氮含量及其对土壤营养库的贡献率可知,自然恢复植被更利于土壤微生物结构、功能的恢复和生物活性的改善。  相似文献   
采用3.5%的Na Cl溶液分别对碱蓬、三七景天和星星草等3种植物进行浇灌,研究植物在生长过程中,其植株和土壤中离子含量、生物量、土壤p H值、全盐量等的变化,结果表明:在盐胁迫环境下,3种植物均表现出很强的耐盐性,碱篷植株体内可聚集大量的Cl-和Na+,但是,在碱蓬生长的土壤中含有很高的交换性钠含量,因其不断进入土壤胶体,从而加重了土壤碱性化程度;三七景天在生长过程中可有效降低土壤中的全盐量及交换性钠离子含量,对降低土壤盐碱性具有较好的作用;星星草通过迅速增加其体内可溶性糖含量来降低其渗透势,缓解体内盐分浓度,以抗盐胁迫环境,且能积累较高的干物质,保持相对稳定的含水率。因此,这3种植物都是较好的耐盐植物,可用以进行耐盐植物资源的开发和选育。  相似文献   
基于对民勤沙井子地区植被调查数据,研究了不同群落自然植被基本特征,结果表明:丰富度减小是物种多样性变化的主要原因,均匀度指数与多样性指数呈显著的正相关,丰富度指数和均匀度指数呈负相关,CCA和DCCA二维排序说明了植物群落与环境因子的关系,随着地下水位的下降,植被逐渐向强旱生方向演替。  相似文献   
采用典型取样的方法,对大亮子河国家森林公园内9个主要森林类型植被群落的物种多样性进行了调查。结果表明:9种典型森林植被类型的空间分布结构特征明显,从主要乔木树种的空间聚集分布上可以看出,不同物种对生境具有不同的要求,它们的分布与生境紧密关联,以典型森林群落类型的垂直分布结构规律性突出。  相似文献   
以山西省三交林场火烧迹地为研究对象,采用群落调查方法,分析了在自然更新下的不同植被恢复类型(油松人工林、灌木林、草本丛)下物种的组成及生物多样性。结果表明:(1)与对照相比,重度火烧后,草本丛的优势种重要值变化不明显,但喜阴耐旱的植物重要值显著升高;而灌木林主要以阳生耐旱草本植物占主要优势;油松人工林林分群落结构变化只是在灌木层和草本层中一些物种的更替。(2)重度火烧后所有植物的Simpson多样性指数均大于对照样地,油松人工林在重度火烧后多样性明显升高,油松人工林草本丛灌木林地。说明重度火烧2a后,不同类型植被恢复仍有一定的变化。  相似文献   
太岳山油松人工林林下植被生物量影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查和分析油松林下植被物种组成特征及生物量,运用灰色关联分析、主成分分析和系统聚类方法,研究了各影响因子不同梯度水平下林下生物量所呈现的分布规律。结果显示:油松人工林林下草本生物量大于灌木生物量,草本层植被生物量为0.339 8~1.322 9 t·hm-2,灌木层生物量为0.018 1~0.289 2 t·hm-2;加权后的关联度与原始关联度排序大致相同,关联性最为密切的因子同为林分均高、林分胸径及林龄,但加权后各单因子关联度数值间差异性增加;以样地作为各单因子聚合的系统进行聚类,样地划分为4个类型,分类结果可反映林下生物量的分布格局。  相似文献   
对北京九龙山油松林、侧柏林、阴坡灌木林、阳坡灌木林的林冠层、枯落物层及土壤层对降雨的调蓄功能进行了研究,结果表明:四种不同林地的林冠截持率为22%~32%,大暴雨下的截持率为7%~10%;枯落物层的有效调蓄为0.46~2.42mm;50cm土层的快速、慢速和变化调蓄量分别为35~48mm;54~48mm,28~52mm;四种林地调蓄功能的顺序从大到小为油松林、阴坡灌木林、阳坡灌木林、侧柏林。  相似文献   
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